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THE ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN SITUATION The long-term conflict between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the state of Israel illustrates the potential for very different kinds of consequences to result from the existence of Fourth World ethnic pluralism. For several decades the Palestinian nation sought by every means available, including terrorism and war, to create a state from the territories that Israel claimed and controlled. That search destroyed life but failed to create independence. Then, through dialog and negotiation, they sought to produce a comprehensive peace accord in September 1993. Israel and Jordan then agreed to permit the Palestinian to form a government and create a new state in the West Bank territory, which was returned to them by Israel. The accord symbolized the possibility of nationalities to become independent states through discussion and compromise rather than force and provides a potential model for other independence movements. But the peace process fell apart in the wake of the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by a Jewish extremist in November 1995. And since that time the Israeli-Palestinian situation has not extremely changed. Although, politicians, researchers and common people all over the world try to find out whether the resolves of the crisis situation exist, and if they do, what the outcomes are. After a long research work I can suggest 5 most popular believes of how to resolve the conflict with the outcomes followed. There exist some significant reasons why each of the resolves listed is improbable or too costly. I would like to list some of them.Status QuoThat means that Israel would continue to rule a large Palestinian minority in a non-democratic way, and that Israel would continue to control the land captured in 1967. Many Israelis believe this is the most likely resolve. They say there is no reason to think that problems necessarily have solutions, and that per...

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