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in a volcanoes path

The film “In a Volcanoes Path,” was a good depiction of the devastation that a volcano can create. The movie also made me understand the importance ofvolcanologists. In studying the volcanoes maybe we can predict the next eruptionsand therefore save many lives.On January 3, 1983 the most active volcano, Kileaua, that lives inKalapana erupted in a big way. Lava was shot 1500 feet into the air releasing100,000 gallons per minute and taking up 400,000 cubic yards each day. Eightmiles of roadway was lost to the explosion, the temperature of the lava was inexcess of 1100 degrees Fahrenheit, which was burning objects before the lavaactually hit anything. The volcanoes rim actually fell in on itself forming acaldera or a crater. A lava pond was created 70 meters from the rim where thetemperature was greater than 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. There was also a lava tubeunderground or also known as a lava river. The volcanologists were studying thelava in an interesting way, they were throwing a hammer into the lava attached towire or rope. When they pulled the hammer out they cooled it immediately withwater to not allow any other minerals to be formed.On November 13, 1985 In Nevada Del Tolima Columbia Mt. Ruieseerupted. The problem however was not the lava burning down towns, but thelahars or mud flows from the magma melting the snow and ice. With a 50 foothigh wall of mud 25,000 people died. The town was actually 30 miles away fromthe volcano. This is why we need to have volcanologists, if there was somestudying the mountain perhaps they could have saved all of those people who diedin the mud flows.In Iceland there is literally hundreds of volcanoes underneath the glaciers.At any time a volcano can erupt underneath and melt the ice almost instantly.This would create a glacial run or flood, and in October of 1996 it happened. Oneof the under glacial volcanoes erupted, this caused a three billion gallon flood ofthe countryside. These vol...

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