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Everyone that was born within the last 100 years knows or has heard about communism. But most do not know the actual basis of communism. They have been given the Red Scare and as usual people use fear as an excuse to go against a new idea that goes against the norm. But the truth is that what we strive for in our civil rights movements and the equality for the masses is the basis of communism. Making sure that everyone had the same share of wealth and giving the have nots an equal share of the wealth and power is the true ideal of communism.(Britannica, M575) First of all, if you want to know about communism we must first look at Marxism. Carl Marx and his associate Frederick Engels formulated Marxism in the 19th century. They observed the socio- economic, changes that were happening in Great Britain during the industrial revolution. England was the dominant world power and had the largest industrialized economy during the 1800s. The development of the factory and the beginning of the assembly line created a large demand for workers. The urban centers met this demand with the migrating peasants from the farm areas in England and Ireland. As these cities evolved to large and almost uncontrolled metropolises, the factories became the main means for financial support for the population. The workers, who would have been termed peasantry in the old feudal system, became the working class or the proletariat. They went to the cities with hopes of finding better lives for themselves and their families. What they found was poor working conditions and meager wages that could barely feed their starving families. Though Carl Marx never sought to change Englands industrial society with social reform, the situation gave Marx a chance to study industrialism, small size capitalism, and the wrongs of such a situation. And through Marx and Engels research, they produced one of the most influential writings of their...

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