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Climate change

The world needs to think of how the climate is changing the food supply of the The climate is doing some reallybad things to the earth. The atmosphere isalso not in good shape because of climatechange. Humans now need to think ofhow climate change is affecting people.Climate change is affecting the foodsupply of the world.The climate change is rapidly affecting theearth. The Greenhouse gases are what isreally messing up are world food supplyand what is messing up our earth. GlobalWarming is causing concerns because ofits high content in the atmosphere already.Because of global warming the earth isgoing down hill fast. We the people needto step up and take part in the fightagainst greenhouse gases. Greenhousegases are what are leading to climatechange, and climate change is what isleading to the depletion of the world foodsupply. Because of rising greenhousegases, by the year 2060 the temperaturewill rise 12 degrees (Pittock 1). We haveto use more fertilizer instead of chemicalfertilizers. Natural fertilizers arentharmful to the environment.Scientists think that if we are lucky thepopulations will only double in the next 66years (Roach 3). Although we will stillhave to increase the demand for food. Between 1989 and1990 the crops increased by 60 percent(Pittock 4). Between these two years wehave increased farm machinery by 4.7times what it was before (Pittock 4). Andwe gave increased electricity by 5.1 timeswhat it was before (Pittock 4).The climate change is affecting ouratmosphere and a lot of people dontknow that. There are lots of pollutants inthe atmosphere but the two that areimportant in global warming and climatechange are carbon dioxide and CFCs.Between those two, carbon dioxide ranksnumber one pollutant in the atmosphere.CFCs are bad too, but not nearly as badas carbon dioxide. CFCs quicken globalwarming (Weier 1). Greenhouse gasesconsist of carbon dioxide mainly and thatis why we need to get rid of gree...

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