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Autism is a clinical syndrome characterized by qualitative impairment of social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, imaginative activity, and a markedly restricted repertoire of activities and interests. Within the first 3-6 months of their lives, parents may note the child does not develop a normal pattern of smiling or cuddling response. As they grow older, they do not progress through developmental milestones such as learning to say words or speak sentences. Instead, they seem aloof, detached, and withdrawn. Instead of developing a pattern of relating warmly to their parents, they may instead engage in self-stimulating behavior such as rocking or head banging. By age 2 or 3 years, it is usually clear that there is something wrong, and the features of the disorder continue to become more obvious over time as the child fails to develop normal verbal or interpersonal communication skills.Genetic : Autism is not genetic.Cause : There is not a exact cause for Autism, but it may be caused by difficulties before, during or after birth. It can also be caused by childhood diseases such as whooping cough and measles. Characteristics :- Often will not show any evidence of speech until even the age of 6.- Rituals are common - Focuses on one particular detail about somthing. For example, an earing that a woman is wearing instead of the woman, a tail light on a car instead of the whole car.- Because it is hard for people with Autism to vent frustration with communitcation, they will take they're anger out by more harmful practices such as throwing things, biting, physicaly lashing out at someone, and banging their head on the wall.-Autistic people are taught a means of communitcation through pictures. - Facial expression, tone of voice and gestures more often then not have no meaning to people with Autism.Cure : There is no cure for Autism, but research never stops.Treatment :Haloperidol One therapeutic approach in the treatment o...

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