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Why do i have gas

Why Do I Have Gas?Everyone has gas. Burping or passing gas through the rectum is normal.Most people produce 1-3 pints of gas a dayPassing gas14-23 times a day is normal.It is rare for a person to have too much have gas.Gas is made primarily of odorless vapors-carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen,and sometimes methane.2. Why does gas have such a horrid smell?Most of the time is odorless.The odor comes from sulfur made by bacteria in the large intestine.3. Does gas cause any harm to your body? Sometimes gas causes bloating and pain.Not everyone has these symptoms.It probably depends on how much gas the body makes. It also depends on how sensitive a person is to gas in the large intestine.4. What Can I do About Gas?Changing what you eat and drink can help prevent or relieve gas. If you feel like youhave too much gas, you might want to try these things before going to the doctor.Cut down on foods that cause.Drink plenty of water, non -”fizzy” liquids, and clear soup.Reduce the amount of air you swallow.5. What should I remember about Gas?Everyone has gas in the digestive tract.People often think they pass too much gas.Passing gas 14-23 times a day is normal.Two wayst to reduce the amount of gas you have are the following:Cut down on the foods that cause gas. Reduce the amount of air you swallow....

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