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Waternitrogen carbon and phosphourus cycles

The carbon cycle deals with the interaction of carbon between living organisms and the nonliving environment. This cycle is a process through which all carbon rotates. The main result of the carbon cycle is to serve as a great natural "recycler" of carbon atoms.The cycle works in a very basic way. First, carbon is taken from carbon dioxide found in the air. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it, combined with water they get from the soil, to make substances they need for growth. The carbon is then mixed with water. Carbon dioxide is then formed into sugar (glucose). The process of photosynthesis incorporates the carbon atoms from carbon dioxide into sugars. Animals attain carbon by feeding on plants and other animals. Animals eat the plants and use the carbon to build their own tissues. The animals get rid of the carbon dioxide in a process called respiration in which an organism supplies its tissues and cells with the oxygen and relieves the tissues and cells of carbon dioxide. Some animals, however, get rid of carbon dioxide only when they breathe, and when they die, the carbon is returned to the soil during decomposition. Carbon items continue to be recycled over and over. For instance the carbon atoms may then be used in a new plant or small microorganisms. Ultimately, the same carbon atom can move through many organisms and even end in the same place where it began. Combustion is another way in which carbon is returned into the atmosphere. Oil, gasses, wood and coal use this process. Molecules combine with oxygen and then convert into water and carbon dioxide and also release light and heat. Humans play a very important role in the carbon cycle. Actually human impact can have a very negative effect on this cycle. Carbon dioxide is very important in the atmosphere, however only in moderation. For centuries humans have been burning coal, oil, and fossil fuels...

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