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Water Pollution

Water pollution has affected many people and animals. Water pollution is the disposal ofgarbage into a water stream. Some of the water pollution is from littering, some water pollutionis done by chemical leaks, and others by ships. Also, There is much information about waterpollution. I am going to take that education on water pollution a step farther; and explain howwater pollution affects us, how it affects marine life, what companies affect it the most, and whatpeople are doing to help.There are many causes for water pollution. The main one is plastics. The reason for thatis that plastics take four hundred and fifty years to decompose in the water. Also manycompanies use plastic and people throw it in the waterways. Because water can float and becarried by the wind, it can cause harm to unsuspecting creatures hundreds of feet from where itwas originally dumped. Such waste includes bags, bottles, cups, straws, cup lids, utensils, sixpack holders, cling wrap, fishing line, bait bags, and floats.The second highest cause of water pollution is ship waste. Ships used to take muchgarbage with them on their ships and dump them. This was very common until the governmenttook action. They were giving sailors up to one million dollars fines for disposing waste. Because of that, ships now carry less garbage with them.Animals are not the only thing being harmed by water wastes. Fishing lines, rope, andplastic nets are being caught in the rutter and the engine, but the ships are not exactly perfect.The other main cause of water pollution is industrial waste. Industries do not be harmedby water pollution but the cause much it. Many companies pour chemicals into the waterways. Some of the businesses that contribute to the water pollution are businesses that repair andmaintain motor vehicles, electroplate, operate printing and coping equipment, perform drycleaning and laundry services, process photographs, operate labs, involve b...

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