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Viruses and Diseases

Those germs of the past that best converted our bodies into their own propagation are the germs of the present. Those germs of the present that best convert our bodies into their own propagation will be the germs of the future. Why should we care about the prospects of one particular germ over another? Aren’t they all just plain bad? The answer is no. We can never get rid of them all. Their future is our future. If their future goes one way, we will be relatively healthy; if it goes another, we will be sick or even dead. Neglect of the germ’s-eye view of the world is not restricted to the average person; it extends to medicine as a whole for most of its history (Ewald 9). Scientists have proven that some viruses are to blame for certain diseases not the genes that have been inherited.Artherosclerosis is characterized by fatty deposits that develop as streaks inside the lining of arteries and some streaking can be found in teenagers and then by an increasing proportion of the population from then on. If you were to ask the experts what causes arteriosclerosis the answer would depend on the expert. Researchers do not agree on the causation but they have agreed on possible risk factors such as smoking, a high fat diet, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, high iron levels, inflammation and bad genes. None of which appear to be the primary cause because if you were to eliminate one possible cause you should eliminate the disease. Many researchers have begun to think that many diseases including cancers originate as a composite of risk factors and that approach does not make sense because it suggests that Human arteries are so fragile that any one or combination of these risk factors can cause life threating damage to it. Such a weakness would have been breed out or caused the extinction of the human species long ago. Besides the fact that half of the people that come down with the disease don’t have any of the r...

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