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Urine Nation

The reason I am writing this paper to you, Mr. Stephens, isbased on the fact that you would not let me urinate because I didnot study the whole period in your study hall class on November6, 2001. You clearly stated that if I did not write you thispaper that you would not let me urinate, let alone go to thebathroom, while I am in either your English or your study hallclass. The fact that you based your decision of whether or not youshould let me go to the bathroom on how much work and effort Iput forth during your class, is absolutely ludicrous. First off,God gave me the ability to urinate and dispose of my feces in anatural and civil way. Taking that right away from me is liketaking my right and ability to breathe. So in context, you’rereally taking away my right and ability to live. For all youknow, I could have had a bladder the size of a pea; which, if itwas at its maximum capacity, could have exploded, releasingpoison into my body, causing me to die. If this did, in fact,actually happen, you would not be reading this amazing piece ofliterature, but instead you would be charged with manslaughter,and in result be behind bars sitting with a large and high-voicedman named Tito.Second, I should not have to earn my right to urinate. Notonce have I ever heard, seen, or met a person that has to work tourinate. I’ve heard of people working for money or food, butnever for permission from a higher authority to go to thebathroom. For example, when Hitler ordered that the Jews be putin concentration camps, of all the horrible and inhumane actsthat Hitler and his army did, never have I read, seen, heard, ormet anyone who told me about his order to not let the Jewsurinate or go to the bathroom. So in a certain perspective, theact committed on November 6, 2001, was worse than the crimesHitler committed. With this paper written and stated, I hope that no one inthe future, including me, will ever have to go through thetorturous pain and...

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