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US and Mexico relations

US and Mexico Looking for a Resolution For the first time in American history, a President is placing Hispanic voters at the George W. Bush has his administration have recently been concertingtheir efforts towards unifying the United States and Mexico, a task that has been on thepriority list of past Presidents, but never as full-pledged as Bush.It makes sense if you think about it: Texas, long ago and far away, was part ofMexico. Now a Texan is trying to reassemble the Old Country, and then some.In a major step towards finding a resolution, President Bush invited Mexico’snewly elected President, Vicente Fox, to the White House State Dinner. During Fox’sthree day visit to the states, a number of matters were discussed.The first, and most important to Mexico, is the issue of immigration. In a recentstudy by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, there are as many as 8.5 millionillegal immigrants living in the United States today; 54 % came from Mexico.In a public announcement, Fox stated, “We must and we can reach an agreementon migration before the end of this very year which will allow us before the end of ourrespective terms to make sure that there are no Mexicans who have not entered thiscountry legally in the United States, and that those Mexicans who have come into thecountry, do so with proper documents.”Fox’s announcement put some heat on Bush, who has faced fierce pressures fromwithin his own party against amnesty for undocumented workers in the US, and pressuresfrom Democrats and Hispanic groups in favor of a color-blind amnesty policy coveringall Latinos, not just Mexicans.At the state dinner, Fox said he believed his nation and the United States couldcome up with a solution together.“We are going to come up with answers,” he said, referring not only toimmigration, but international crime. “I am sure now that we will develop and growtogether.”But Fox’s co...

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