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The canadian bureaucracy

Government in itself is a large and unwieldy organization. Every day the Canadianfederal government makes hundreds of decisions; that effect everything from the fonts onhealth pamphlets to which helicopters will be used to patrol this great nations borders.How do our elected officials deal with so many important decisions? They dont. Themembers of the house of commons, the elected representatives of the Canadian people,have ridings to watch over, and re-elections to worry about. The MPs would be hardpressed any day to know what was going on within the Treasury Board (TB), much lessthe Defense Department Commission. Yet, these institutions and others like them makemajor resource allocation decisions before the house has even an idea when they will bevoting on such legislation. These offices that research, propose, and implement thegovernments major policies are in fact the originators of all legislation. This is theBureaucracy. The Bureaucracy is the largest component of the Canadian nations government. Ifthe Canadian government were viewed as a human body, Cabinet and the House ofCommons would only be the brain. This is the top of the bureaucratic pyramid whereinformation is examined and pronounced good or bad. There is a large and productivebody below this head. It is huge; with strong arms like the police and armed forces,and legs like the Canadian Pacific Railroad. Its digestive system consists of a largetaxation branch made up of many organs that deal with distribution and allocation. Thesenses of this body are everywhere. The individual nerves on its skin interact withcitizens everyday, while booking them into hospital rooms or registering theirautomobiles. Every department of this great being is involved in helping it sense itsenvironment and react to external changes. The government is not only given input fromthe public in election years, everyday it is confronted with new issues that must be dealtwith. These issues requir...

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