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The Presidental Limits

The President of the United States is the most powerful wo/man in the world. There are few limits to what s/he can do. The Constitution created the institution of the presidency in 1789, power of the president has gradually grown from what was first envisioned. The presidential powers were set up to be limited by separation of powers into three branches of government, by the checks and balances scribed in the constitution, by federal systems, political parties and the media. The president is elected for a four-year term in office, maximum of eight years. Framers of the Articles of Confederation felt that liberty could only be enjoyed with checks set up by an executive branch of government. The Constitution guarantees the presidency power as chief of state, chief executor, commander and chief, chief legislator, and chief diplomat.As chief of state, the president is head of state and government, which overflows into the position as chief executive. The head of government manages the organization of the executive branch of the government. The executive branch of the government includes fourteen cabinet departments, and sixty executive and regulatory agencies. Many countries have a Prime Minister and a monarch to oversee the government. The monarch’s job is the head of state, and the Prime Minister would be head of government. The president is the administrator of the people’s power, and the figurehead for the nation. The chief executive has the power to grant reprieves and pardons to citizens for infractions against the United States. The bureaucracy is often inflexible for the president.The president is commander and chief of the US armed forces. The president reserves the right to order all wars and full dispatch of the armed forces. The commander-in-chief power has been cited to justify commitment of the armed forces to scores of short-term hostilities. In 1973 Congress passed the War Power Act it states th...

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