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The PMRC or Americas Enemy

Now that I have your attention, allow me to introduce you to something even more disgusting... The Parents Music Resource Center, also commonly known as the PMRC, is perhaps one of the biggest evils of our time. Founded on May 13, 1985 by: Tipper Gore, wife of now Vice President and Presidential candidate, Al Gore; free lance journalist Kandy Stroud; Susan Baker, wife of former Treasury Secretary and White House Chief of Staff James Baker; Pam Howard, wife of a wealthy construction worker; Sally Nevious, wife of a former White House councilman; and Ethelynn Stuckley, wife of a former Congressman. This date was the beginning of the end of free expression through art, music, and literature.Although the first amendment clearly states we're given the right of freedom of speech, the possibly soon to be book-burning, cross wielding, CD breaking, censorship gods, the PMRC seems to think otherwise. The censorship of artistic freedom has always been around: the murder and exile of heretics and heretic literature, the burning of black literature during the sixties, the ban on punk bands from the United Kingdom, the list goes on. Nonetheless, I can't understand how our Freedom of Speech can be real if it is constantly being monitored by the religious-right-supported PMRC. The PMRC's "victories" include: those little Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics stickers that appear on CD's, tapes, and records, the new law making certain musical acts (2Live Crew) be "under the counter" in record stores, and the constant changing of art work on CD covers or inserts.It is completely absurd for our society to claim we have to right to freedom of speech while we have this absurd group constantly fighting to get rid of it. If you want to live in a place where you can't hear/read/see what the PMRC deams "evil," go to Singapore... or maybe Utah, it's pretty bad there too....

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