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The Environment

Our environment faces many problems today, and as we advance into the 21st century the problems that we face become more and more evident. Inflation on luxuries that we house today like gasoline and electricity have increased dramatically over the past half century. Other problems faced such as population and hunger, not only in 3rd world countries, but right here in the United States as well, have struck hard as the population of people have increased so greatly that our world cannot control the lower class people of the world. As the population increases, the need for land has increased as well, clearly if there is more people on the earth more land will definitely be consumed. Our society today is depending more and more automobile transportation. Our country has the capability to decrease the prices of gasoline to a more socially acceptable level but we choose not to tap into our oil reserves and as our foreign relations are not becoming any friendlier, our prices at the gas pump are increasing at record levels. Some professionals estimate that, in five years, prices per gallon will reach up to five dollars per gallon. This shows the attempt of the government to make mass transportation be a more practical choice. Another economical issue that our society shows concern towards is that of our present utility crisis. Situations like the one currently happening in California could be one faced by more Americans in the near future. Our country believes that the bigger and brighter it is, the better. In reflection of these actions is shown by the shortage of electricity in California. As our country grows we simply are having a problem keeping up, this usage of electricity is also a reflection of another problem faced worldwide, population. We strive and strive for medical advantages and ways to stay alive but we obviously do not put enough emphasis on over population prevention or birth control. The knowledge...

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