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The Abolition of the Monarchy

THE ABOLITION OF THE MONARCHY The monarchy is, I believe, an outdated institution. The powers of the Cabinet and Prime Minister have been elevated high above those of the Queen herself or in fact any member of the Royal family. If any serious attempt were made to reassert the superior power of the monarch, parliament would almost certainly refuse to recognise those powers. The Royal Family seem to have become little more than a show - a tourist attraction, and great as it may seem to visitors - do we, as a technologically and economically advanced, modern nation want to be regarded as some kind of medieval Disneyland? Republics are not doomed to the wilderness of tourist-free zones devoid of culture, as many Royalists would have us believe. I understand tradition, but when tradition impedes necessary changes, it simply becomes a liability. A strong feeling of many citizens, forming a main argument for the abolition of the monarchy, is the fact that the Royals seem to be so out of touch with the real people of Britain. Perhaps the public would be more supportive if they felt they could in some way relate to them, or at least if they had some clue as to what life in the real world was like. As for the ‘good works’ the Royals are so often credited with, Mother Theresa would never have worn (or indeed never needed) a diamond tiara. Stronger links with the public and compassion towards the underprivileged in life are surely not too much to ask? Compassion and giving are the key duties when living such a prestigious life, which is only of use if you can help those in need. The very basis of all monarchies seems to be ensuring that wealth and power is not distributed fairly and equally, and benefits only those who have access through political or inherited roles. The unjustness of this situation primarily being that this prestigious position is not based on achievements, but solely on an inherited name. ...

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