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Split of SCFR

What do you think was the main cause in the split in the CSFR? Could the split have been avoided? CSFR was divided into two separate independent countries: The Czech Republic and Slovak Republic on 1.1.1993. This split was caused because of three reasons: historical, political and economical. Below I will try to discuss all of those reasons.We should first say what federation is: it’s a common state which consists of two or more equal nations. And word equal is most important for Czechoslovakia and its problems.Firstly, we should think about historical reasons. In history of Czechs and Slovaks we could see that those two countries were never actually together in one state. Under the Austria-Hungary, Czechs were more under Austrians and Slovaks under Hungarians. But we should start from the beginning. During the tenth century there was the Great Moravia, which included Slovakia and Moravia. Later they conquered Czech, too, but only for 100 years. Then the Great Moravia under the pressure of Hungarians and Franks diminished. After then the Czech state emerged and in 11th century Moravia joined.After this time Czechs and Slovaks never had their own state until establishment of CSR in 1918. Even under the Austria-Hungary, Czech state was more advanced then Slovakia. Czech had about 75% of all industrial output of Austria-Hungary and Slovakia was mostly agricultural. That was one of the most important aspects in the future of CS(S)R. During the revolution in 1848-9, Czech political representation called upon rearrangement of Austria-Hungary into a liberal-constitutional state, which would ensure free development to all nations including Slavs. But the revolution was a failure and soon after new pressure on Czechs and Slovaks emerged. The Czech and Slovak political representatives estimated that a new ruler of Austria-Hungary will be more generous to Slavic nations. But year 1914 changed everything. The throne successor Frantisek Ferd...

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