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Seducing the French

As I sit outside my favorite caf, drinking wine as the sun slowly dies off into the twilight of dusk, I hear the most obnoxious noise. It is a few teenagers trying to speak their best English. I watch them for a few minutes, and I am disgusted. If these children represent the future, I weep.I see a whole generation with no direction, no true love of their beautiful country, no nationalism in them. Instead they wear blue jeans, and drink that despicable liquid called Coca-Cola. These younger generations are imitating a society across an ocean. I see restaurants grilling up American cuisines and California wines. Youths are wearing American brand clothing, and traveling to America to tour their commercialism empire. Why are they doing this? Simple, Americanization.Americanization is happening all around us, not just to our children who are emptying into the streets speaking with their best James Dean. American thought has crept into our very lives with everything we do; our day to day routine is now being controlled by American ideals.Every French citizen is falling into the clutches of consumerism and conformity. We are turning into a trinket society, worshipping of a mammon, and witnessing to the death of our beloved culture. I shed a tear to think we are turning into a materialistic society like that of America where as whose society is dynamic and derived from consumer-driven economic growth. In falling into consumerism we are generating an endless increase of desires that can not b satisfied by the means that which we live in France. This lifestyle alienates the consumer to form bondage around them; it does not free them. The society in America is of destruction, not to be to be idolized. The waste of their mass consumption not only drains their national resources but those of deprived countries as well.Our on consumption does not stop with the cafs or the stores where we buy our food, but goes deeper into our society....

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