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Why we need to save rainforests The recent destruction of precious tropical rainforest has left many people wonderingwhat to do about it.B. At the dawn of a new century, international laws are needed to protect it from furtherdestruction.II. For three main reasons, the rainforest is essential to human life and must be saved.A. The protection of endangered or rare plants and animals is necessary.B. The preservation of the knowledge of the forests is important.C. The preservation of life everywhere else on earth depends on it.III. Many people do not support current plans to save the rainforests.A. They believe they further harm the forest.B. They believe the benefits are not enough.C. They believe there is too much control over them in the wrong hands.IV. Perhaps people do not realize the true values of the rainforest plants.A. They provide food. B. They provide medicine.C. The trees prevent erosion.D. The plants reduce pollution.V. Animals are an indispensable piece of the life cycle.A. Half the animals on earth live in the rainforest.B. The loss of habitats causes decline in the population of species.C. Deforestation disrupts bird migration patterns.D. The current laws that protect animals are no longer sufficient.VI. People depend on the rainforest to provide a living for them.A. The native tribes that have resided in the rainforest for centuries need it to survive.B. The cattle ranchers are in conflict with the tribes over the land.VII. In the midst of destruction, there is hope for the future.A. The debt-for-nature swap can save the forest.B. The Kyoto Treaty will reduce pollution.C. There are alternate methods of income for those living near the forests.VIII.A. More legislation is necessary to prevent the disappearance of tropical rainforests.B. There is no quick solution.C. The solution will be built on compromise.D. A world wide effort to save it is the key to success.BibliographyCarr, Thomas A., Heather L. Pederson and Dund...

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