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Quantum Physics

Many historians have said that the War of 1812, a war fought between the United States and Great Britain, was “senseless and insignificant”. This statement, for the most part,is not true. Without this war, many of the changes that were aresult of the war, would not have taken place. The War of 1812caused many important events to occur. These events were bothdirect and indirect. Although The war did not accomplish any ofthe things that it started out to accomplish, it became a turningpoint in American history. Most of the issues that Americastarted out fighting for disappeared shortly after the war, justabout the same time that the indirect effects of the war werebeginning to become noticeable. These direct effects mainlycentered around impressment and blockades, while the indirecteffects dealt mainly with the rise of Andrew Jackson, WilliamHenry Harrison, and the decline of the Federalists.Following the war, the United States was at peace withBritain. Peace gave the British no need to result in acts such asimpressment, which was the capturing of American sailors. Thiswas one of the main issues that had enraged the Americans beforethe war. The British, also, no longer enforced blockades onAmerican ships after the war. This increased American sentimenttowards Great Britain again, especially in New England states dueto the fact that their livelihood rested mainly in shipping.As a result of their newfound fame caused by their actionsduring the war, Andrew Jackson and William Henry Harrison gainedrespect throughout the states. Jackson, was the renowned hero ofthe Battle of New Orleans, and Harrison, was known for hisbrilliance and success in fighting the Indians. Both Jackson andHarrison went on to become Presidents of the United States, duemainly to this newfound fame and recognition of their strengths.Both men greatly influenced the history of America as a result oftheir terms as President. Historians even acknowledge ahisto...

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