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Precambiran Extinction

Mass Extinction in the Precambrian As the decades pass, technological advances have enabled researchers, entrepenures and pondering minds the ability to discover more and more about every aspect of our very existence. Over the past three decades the evolutionary tree of life has been expanded at least seven times over. Major advances have been made in the area of evolution to open the eyes of many to the extensive history of the earth. For the very first time, we have tangible knowledge that life evolved and grew to become a flourishing success during the young ages of the Earth. By 3.5 million years ago life was already well advanced. Before this breakthrough no one could have thought that life occurred so amazingly early, that Earth was inhabited by a huge array of tiny life forms through t the first four-fifths of its existence, and no one deduced that evolution itself evolved over geologic time. All of geological time, the total history of the earth, is divided into major eras and eons. The Precambrian eon marks the approximate age of the earth and spans a time of 4.6 billion years ago to 523 million years ago. This era is known to include approximately 90% of geologic time and covers 4 billion years of Earth history. The time period is not extremely well known or completely understood because rocks from this era are poorly exposed, many rocks have been eroded or metamorphosed, most are buried deep beneath younger rocks and fossils from this time period and are seldom found. There are three eras included in the Precambrian eon, which include the Hadean, Archean and Proterozoic. The Hadean era ranges from 4.6 billion years ago to 3.8 billion years ago. Included in this period was a time of major changes in the Earths formation. It involves the origin of the atmosphere, volcanic outgassing, and H2O, H2, HCL, CO, CO2, N2, and sulfur gases. Little or no free oxygen was present in this period. The evidence that supports the oxygen the...

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