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Politics as Usual

Another presidential election season has come and will surely drag on for another six long arduous boring months. The primaries went by quicker than ever leaving us with our two nominees for president: George W. Bush and Al Gore. Yes, everyone is thinking it: another lesser of two evils election. Voter turnout is at an all time low. People are fed up with their choices and just do not vote. Currently the races for president is a dead heat, not because people do not care or are not informed, but because the people have seen that all the candidates are the same. There is no choice because there is no difference. There is little difference between Al Gore and George W. Bush and the people know it. In a recent Newsweek poll published last March the vote was evenly split: Al Gore had 44% and George W. Bush had 47%. Its a virtual coin flip. The candidates are the same on so many issues no one knows which is which and just picks one blindly. You can even add Senator John McCain into the race and the vote still comes out even: Gore 28%, Bush 35%, and McCain 32%. But of course John McCain says he wont be running for president so who will McCain voters vote for? Gore 37%, Bush 48%. The list goes on and on with many variables. 49% of men would vote for Bush with the other 43% siding with Gore. With women its a dead tie: 45% Gore, 45% Bush. By region you ask? In the North East Gore is favored 49% to 33%. In the both the Midwest and South Bush is favored 49% to 40% and 57% to 40%, and finally in the West the coin flips in Gores favor again 50% to 43%. Look at the issues at hand: Both Bush and Gore support the death penalty, NAFTA, increased Pentagon spending. Immediate Universal Heath care? Both Bush and Gore oppose it along with the ban on handguns and assault weapons. Foreign policy? Bush supports the air strikes on Iraq, Gore supports the air strikes on Iraq. Bush supports the embargo on Cuba. Speaking of Cuba, Gore sai...

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