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Presidential Election 2000 It is hard to believe that it will be a year since the Bush vs. Gore campaign was in its final stages, or so we thought. The Bush vs. Gore campaign was at its climax in late October of 2000. The people of the nation were casting their votes and the two leadingCandidates were neck and neck. The tension was sky high on Election Day, November7th, 2000. Behold, we were to have a new president; well, possibly.Election experts have called evolution instead of a revolution in changing the waythe country goes about its elections. Never in history has such controversy risen as in Election 2000: Bush vs. Gore. Election 200 has raised serious concerns over the integrity of the voting system. Filled with demonstrations of voting machines and oversized punch card ballots. The election was ultimately made complicated due to the counting of ballots which were now being re-counted on a local level because of what we now call Dimples and ChadsDimples and Chads are funny names to be given to election ballots; but then again, what wasnt funny about this election as a whole? Election ballots are set up to belike punch-in cards. A person casts their vote and a hole is punched into a ballotwhere the space for the candidate is provided. It seems to be easy enough. However,that was not the case in this presidential election. For some reason, ballots went upthe walls in malfunctions. These bogus ballots were given the names Dimples and Chads. Dimples are the given name to ballots in which the vote seemed to be intended but were not quite punched through but sort of made to look like a dimple. Chads, on the other hand, are votes in which a part of the punched vote has gone through, but the whole thing is not punched out. It is called a Chad when the vote is punched but still attached to the ballot in some way. As a result of these complications in votes, debate was brought about as which votes were going to be coun...

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