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Screenwriter: Wilfred Greatorex and James Kennaway Cast: Harry Andrews, Michael Caine, Trevor Howard This film is about the Battle of Britain during World War II. It happened in 1940. This movie was made 29 years later in 1969. The Nazis tried to invade Britain. The Royal Air Force of Britain fought a grave battle against the Nazis to prevent the invasion. Most of the fighting was in the air. There were lots of fighting scenes between the German planes and the RAF and their allies. This film is pretty realistic. I thought that the air battles were pretty realistic. For a film that was made in 1969, the special effects of the planes and the fight scenes were pretty fast-paced and accurate. The fight scenes seem more modern as far as special effects than what I would expect from a movie made in 1969. The planes were just like the ones that were actually used. As far as I know, this film accurately portrays the Battle of Britain. It was historically accurate in the story that it told. It portrayed the Battle as a very important one. It was one of life and death. It was one that could have changed the outcome of the war and possibly altered history as we know it. The film showed how the RAF and its allies fought bravely and gallantly. I liked how it portrayed the pilots as weary and tired from all the fighting.Hitler was very close to victory. The RAF was drained and worn out. They had been fighting for a while with little rest. They were constantly in battle. It was not looking good for the British. All Hitler would have had to do was to keep pounding on them. The Germans had more pilots. The RAF was running out of pilots. The Germans should have bombed the radars and airfields. At first the Germans stayed away from bombing the big cities. Hitler still wanted to bring Churchill to the conference table. He also wanted to avert retaliation against cities in Germany. In the movie, one of the German leaders sa...

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