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Methodsabortionreligeonparty affiliation

There is a negative relationship between support for abortion and the importance of religion, while controlling party affiliation. Among males, there is a negative relationship between support for abortion and the importance of religion. Among females, there is a negative relationship between support for abortion and the importance of religion. A person’s religious background greatly influences whether or not they support When religion plays an important role in someone’s life, they are less likely tosupport abortion. Most religions strongly disapprove of the taking of someone’s life. They consider it one of the highest sins a human can commit. They believe that abortion isconsidered murder because even a fetus has a spirit so it shall be considered a livinghuman. When religion plays a less important role in a person’s life, they are more likely tosupport abortion. These people are more likely to consider reasons for the abortion ratherthan never permitting it. These people tend to look at the women and why she isrequesting the abortion. They are less likely to consider a fetus a living being until it isborn.The first hypothesis indicates that the higher the importance of religion is to aperson the less supportive they would be of abortion, with regards to that persons politicalparty affiliation. The party in which a person identifies with will have a direct effect on thelink between support for abortion and the importance of religion. Political parties, as wellas a persons religious background, play a major role in attitudes towards different issues. By nature, democrats are more likely to approve abortion than republicans. A person’sreligious background usually has an effect on which party they associate themselves with. Therefore, there must be a link between a person’s party affiliation, religious background,and their support of abortion.The second and third hypotheses indicate that ge...

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