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Machiavelli 18

As in his book he promotes a secular society and felt morality should be set aside as it obstructed power. He reflects that a prince should not consider whether his acts are moral or immoral while he acts in the favor of the state. To achieve that, states goals must be the primary focus for a prince. If a prince acts immorally to achieve the states' goals, then it does not reflect his personal standards or beliefs, as it is a role that he plays for the state. The effect of fortune on government and the course of humanity is an important theme in the book. As Machiavelli believed that fortune played a major part in at least half of men's actions. The force of fortune was so strong that it was mentally in the back of every men's mind, but their were steps that could be taken to lower the effect. Furthermore, Machiavelli holds a very low opinion of most people and thinks they have been selfish towards the state. He concludes from his observations that men are "ungrateful, fickle, liars and deceivers." He points out that they will accompany you when you are privileged and abandon or turn against you at the time of danger. A prince therefore must be cautious while interacting with the people but should have a favorable standing amongst them. "The Prince" was written and completed by Machiavelli in response to Italy's persistent political problems and the emergence of a new rule in Florence....

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