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Niccolo Machiavelli is a very pragmatic political theorist. His political theories are directly related to the current bad state of affairs in Italy that is in dire need of a new ruler to help bring order to the country. Some of his philosophies may sound extreme and many people may call him evil, but the truth is that Niccolo Machiavellis writings are only aimed at fixing the current corruptions and cruelties that filled the Italian community, and has written what he believed to be the most practical and efficient way to deal with it. Three points that Machiavelli illustrates in his book The Prince is first, that it is better to be feared then loved,# the second is concerning those who become princes by evil means,# and the third is in what way princes should keep their word.# Machiavellis argument that it is better to be feared then loved is a great point. It may seem harsh but it is a extremely honest.# There is a greater security in being fear then loved, if the people love their ruler because he show too much compassion he will be considered weak, and then disorder, chaos, murders and robberies will soon follow. But if a ruler is feared then he will hold a power over the people, and their respect and dedication will soon follow. Machiavelli also mentions that a ruler must strive to avoid being hated because it is very dangerous.# He explains that hate can be avoided by reframing from touching the property of his citizens and subjects, and their women.# So the people should see their prince as being merciful and not cruel, but do not be totally against being cruel, for it has its own merits. One of the last points that he briefly mentions is that it is important to be feared especially if you have an army, because it is that reputation that will unite the princes men (in the belief that he is strong and competent).# This point is also practical in the way that if an army is not feared no one will have faith in it ...

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