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Legislative Branch

Judiciary – Our last hope Our flags have been raised from half-staff to full-staff since the terrorist attacks in the New York area and most of us Americans seem to be increasingly aware of our protecting freedoms. In 1787, our founding fathers created the greatest contract or agreement for freedom ever known to mankind. My “Brief American Pageant” history book lists two fundamental principles that directed them to the establishment of our Constitution. These guidelines were that, “the only legitimate government was one based on the consent of the governed and that the powers of the government should be limited” (117). Our Constitution clearly states that the power rests first in the people, then the states, and lastly, the United States. That’s why the preamble begins “We the People.” But do we fully understand our rights, powers, or freedoms: furthermore, does each state know theirs? To put it quite frankly, we’ve slowly turned over our powers to the Federal Government and they have been deceitfully abusing the powers vested unto them without a fight on our part?Now, let me reassure you, my readers, that America is great. It’s not so because a bunch of people in Washington have told us what to do, but because people have been free to do great things on their own. However, we are now faced with a perpetuating greedy government that is extolling their power (that has been handed to them on a temporary basis) to satisfy their own carnal desires. The more power they have, the less power the people have. This is the exact same principle upon which our union was brought together by. You see, the first thirteen colonies knew that if they gave up all their power and didn’t remain sovereign – that they would be completely ruled by a one-world government. Utah’s former State Secretary Joseph Stumph understood this principle and explained it quite well in...

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