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Karl Marx1

Karl Marx Karl Marx was a German political philosopher and a revolutionist, confounder with Friedrich Engles of scientific socialism and is one of the most influential thinkers of all times. Karl Marx was educated at the universities of Bonn, Berlin, and Jena. In 1842, shortly after he submitted his first article to his college newspaper he becomes the editor. In his article’s Marx wrote about political, and social conditions. This caused him very much trouble with authorities. Marx was forced to resign as editor in 1843. Marx then went to Paris. While in Paris Marx studied philosophy, history, and political science, he also picked up on communist beliefs. In 1844 Engles came to visit Marx in Paris. In their conversation and in their studies Marx and Engles noticed that they both had the same views on communism. They then decided to organize a working class movement based on these principles. In 1845 Marx was forced out of Paris because of hi revolutionary activities. He then moved to Brussels, where he continued his pursuit in making people believe his ways of communism. In 1847 these groups or “committee’s” were started and later grouped as one. This group was called The Communist League. Marx and Engles made a statement of principles. This program they gave to the people is know through out the world as the communist manifesto. This was the first statement of modern socialist. Marx wanted to change the whole concept of history and also the political economy. Marx felt that prevailing a system by which the necessities of life are produced determines the for of the societal organization and the political an intellectual history of the epoch. In 1848 the Belgian government was afraid that Marx and his ways of running things were going to take over the country, they banished Marx from the country. He then went to cologne where he established and edited a communist government. In 1849 Marx was arrested and tried ...

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