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How Can We Live Longer

Why do We Age A. Theories of AgingII. What is LongevityA. Life Span and Life ExpectancyIII. What determines LongevityIII. Why Dont Most Americans Live Past the Average Life ExpectancyIV. Leading Causes Of Death (table)V. What Do We Do to Live LongerConclusion:IntroductionWhat is the fear of most humans? The fear is aging and death. Inthis paper you will find out a lot about aging. You will learn whatlongevity is, what determines it, the average length of life and how youcan exceed it. You will find it amazing that doing simple things every daywill help you to feel better an live longer.Why Do We Age?From the time we are born we start to die. This is life. No oneknows how long they are going to live, but we can try to do all that we canto live longer. Aging is not controlled by any one. Aging is a geneticprocess. We get so old until our bodies breakdown. What causes thebreakdown, the decline of energy, The inability of the body to function. There is nothing to fully explain why we age, but their are some theoriesthe will help explain what happens.Theories of AgingThe Genetic Theory states that cells contain aging genes thattells the exact number of times the cell can duplicate itself, for humans thatabout 110 to 120 years. Another theory suggest the cells DNA somehowbecomes defective after a certain point and synthesizes defective protein.The defect disables normal cell functioning, causing the cell to deteriorate-fall apart.The Immune System Malfunctions is a theory of aging involving theimmune system. It says that the body begin to miscalculate insynthesizing proteins and make proteins that the immune system cannotrecognize. The immune system then would attack them as it would anyforeign substance, destroying the cells and impairing the body functions.Some other Theories are much more complicated. the programmedtheories are:Programmed Senescence. Aging is the result of the sequential switchingon and o...

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