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Hegel Marx Kant Pantheism

1.Hegel is a pantheist, meaning that he believes that everytng toeather comes to being God. Subsequently he believes that everythenig is one, menatin gtat reason and reality actually are the same thing, fuirtheremore Hegel believst that reality is reason, this is his “first Principle”. In contrast to this Kant believes that all we really know are our persc=eptions of the real (Nominal world) and tat we cannot really knowanything aobut the real world. So our reason, though it lets us perceive reality it in fact changes reality, so our reason is not our reality. This is why Kant believes that reason isn’t our first principle, and that we cannot in fact know the true first principle. I said earlier that Hegel was a pantheist. This is true. He believes that all of reality is moving toward a specifce goal, this goal is ever being pushed towards the better. An example of this that comes into society comes well with the ideas of thesis,antithesis, and finally a synthesis that combins the too in such a way as to make the argument null and viod. A good example of this can be found in Christianity. We look at the problems we have with God and the Human soul. God is everlasting and unchangeing he is also perfvect, the human soul is distinctly human, it is changeable. What can possibly make it so that these to can communccre? Well the anseww is Jesus Christ, he was the synthesis between God and humans, being that Jesus was both God and man at the same time. So we are all moving towards a specific goal, and the ore we learn the closer we get and eventually we will arrive, once we have learned enough we will come to the realization that we are all part of this Consousness. The problem with this is that this means that there cannot be anything in metaphysics so there is no god and our souls are just anther on of the ideas that we will have to let go in orede rot come to the realization that we are all just a part of this wor...

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