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Harry Browne

HARRY BROWNE THE MAN FOR EVERY TOWN Harry Browne was born in New York in 1933 and grew up in Los Angeles. Although he only attended college for two weeks, he went on to become a very successful investment advisor and author. Harry Browne believes that the government has blatantly disregarded the ninth and tenth amendments, which limit their size and power. He plans to drastically cut the size of government and let people make their own choices instead of politicians making them for us. Harry Browne is the best candidate because he is a real person and not a career politician. He is just as fed up with the government as everyone else is and once elected he will make a difference. Harry Browne has big plans for the war on drugs, gun control and social security.Once elected, Harry Browne will pardon nonviolent drug offenders and legalize all drugs. This will set off a chain reaction that everyone can reap the benefits of. One obvious benefit would be the space made available in the correctional facilities. This space makes it so rapists, murderers, and child molesters will be put away for a long time, instead of being released early to make way for the new drug offenders. Another colossal advantage would be the positive effect it would have on crime. Browne believes the crime rate would be reduced because the black market would cease to exist. If there are no black market drug sales then the drugs will become affordable for the users. If drugs become inexpensive then addicts would not have to rob, murder, and steal to support their habit. Browne was quoted saying “There are no violent gangs fighting over aspirin territories. There are no violent gangs fighting over whisky territories or computer territories or anything else that's legal. There are only criminal gangs fighting over territories covering drugs, gambling, prostitution, and other victimless crimes. Making a non-violent activity a crime creates a black mark...

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