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In the next several pages will be explained the cures, medication, and procedure of detecting glaucoma. The reasons this was wrote on glaucoma, was because I have always wondered why these few people that have glaucoma get to use a illegal drug(marijuana). I also was curious on what glaucoma exactly is and when it could effect me, or any of my family members. Glaucoma is a disease that effects your vision or optic nerves. Most people do not know that they have it until its to late to properly treat it. Glaucoma does not usually effect young children. It doesn’t even usually effect the ages twelve through twenty. Around the age of twenty one is when you should go and get your first check up. Many people do not get yearly check ups and that’s how it gets out of control. Glaucoma effects only 2% of the population. If people over the age of 21 would go and get themselves checked then most people would not have to deal with the major effect which is blindness. Yet many people fail tounderstand the importance of getting checked. You can get checked by any optimist, all you have to do is call them and set up an appointment. What is glaucoma, you might be asking your self. Well asyou know glaucoma is a disease that effects your optic nerves, or in other words your vision. The eye is a round looking figure filled with fluid. When the fluid in the eyeincreases, so does the pressure. The body’s normal approach to increase of pressure is a small opening in the anteriorchamber, in the bottom. When glaucoma forms, the opening in the angle will not open so the pressure will just build up.There is also another way this happens and that is if to much fluid is being moved into the eye and it can not get it out fast enough. Its sort of in a way like pumping up a tireand over inflating it. Glaucoma can develop anywhere in between a day and years. There are no symptoms in the beginning of glaucoma, but as it continues to get worst, s...

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