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Genetic Engineering5

 Genetic Engineering will be deadly. The harmful effects of this gene manipulation will not be discovered for years, and it will be too late to reverse the damage. The tools of genetic engineering are natural substances that control biochemical reactions that work like chemical scissors and glue, cutting and pasting DNA molecules and sticking them into the DNA of microbes. The microbes with these transplanted genes may be commercially useful because they can produce proteins that cannot be obtained economically from other sources, or scientists can just take advantage of nature’s own genetic ability, using the microbes to insert the transplanted genes into plant cells. Genetically engineered microbes and plants express the traits coded in the new genes and pass these traits on to their offspring. If a problem occurred, then it would be passed on to each new offspring and eventually contaminate most, if not all, of that species of plant or animal. Changing the genetic makeup of cells will cause new diseases, make new and higher levels of toxins, damage the ecosystem, increase pollution of food and water supplies, trigger allergic reactions, decrease the effectiveness of antibiotics and create many other side effects of the releasing these modified foods and organisms into our ecosystem. These fears are coming from not only the moderately informed general public, but primarily from scientists in this field who have studied and researched this technology for many years and acknowledge the enormous risks involved.“Introductions of these Genetically Engineered Organisms might create new human diseases, spawn new plant or animal pests, or otherwise disrupt delicate ecological balances, just as introductions of exotic species have done in the past.” (William Dudley, Genetic Engineering Opposing View Points, 173.)Because genetically engineered products are alive, they are inherently much more unpredictable t...

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