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Genetic Eng

Genetic Engineering is a radical new technology, one that breaks down fundamental genetic barriers- not only between species, but also between humans, animals, and plants. By combining the genes of dissimilar and unrelated species, permanently altering their genetic codes, primary organisms are created that will pass the genetic changes onto their offsprings. The field of genetic engineering has the potential to strip the individual privacy, diversity, and freedom of society.It is obvious that technological questions in this area are being answered very rapidly. However, the ethical questions that have arisen as a result of the technology are not being answered quite so readily. Until the development of this technology, people have had to deal with genetic inequality as a fact of life. With the advent of gene therapy, this may no longer be the case for some people. Most people feel that it is alright to use gene therapy to treat human genetic diseases. Somewhat surprisingly, even the Catholic Church has taken a stand for the use of gene therapy. Reverend Russell E. Smith, president of the Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research and Education Center, stated that gene therapy is "a very noble enterprise, because it is aimed at the actual cure of actual diseases" (Ward 63). Some individuals, however, are concerned that the technique may be used for "treatment" of genetic "disorders" other than diseases. For example, in January, 1993, it was reported in USA Today that an 11-year-old boy was receiving gene therapy treatments at a cost of $150,000 per year to increase his height. At 4' 11", four inches below average height, he was tired of being picked on at school for being short. His father was quoted in the article as saying, "You want to give your child that edge no matter what. I think you'd do just about anything" (Ward 65). Because many people are concerned about the safety of gene therapy, a special committee of the National Acade...

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