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Gene Therapy1

"What's the worst that can happen to me? I die, and it's for the babies," said Jessie Gelsinger as he left for the hospital to receive gene therapy treatment. (Stolberg) People risk their lives everyday in the name of science. One such science that people have recently been drawn to is gene therapy. Although, gene therapy may be new and exciting and it may be helping to find cures to diseases we only dreamed of curing, we have to remember it is dangerous. It needs to be done with much supervision. Every new step we take in the advancement of gene therapy should be thought over because the consequences could reach farther then we ever believed they could. There are so many dangers of the techniques used that can lead to consequences as serious as death. The government imposes many guidelines, and it needs to stay that way. The biggest dangers, however, may be in what is to come. General dangers of the techniques of gene therapy are a large concern. One problem is that the new gene may be inserted in the wrong location in the DNA. Experiments with rats showed this could cause cancer or other damage. In addition, when DNA is directly injected into a tumor there is a chance that the DNA could be introduced by mistake into reproductive cells, producing changes in offspring. The consequences of this are discussed in more detail later on. Another disturbing thing to think about when pondering the safety of gene therapy is the fact that once gene therapy has taken effect it cannot be stopped and is irreversible. It is not like drugs, the genes cannot be stopped from multiplying.Viral vectors use viruses to transport a modified gene into a patient’s body. They are right now being used all the time in gene therapy trials. These vectors have many dangers associated with them. For example, viruses have a tendency to infect more than one type of cell. Therefore, when viral vectors are used to carry genes into the body, ...

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