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forensic science

Forensic Science, also known as Forensics, is the application of It uses highly developed technology to uncover scientificevidence in a variety of fields. Modern forensic science has a broad range of applications. It is used in civil cases such as forgeries, fraud or negligence.The most common use of forensic science is to investigate criminal casesinvolving a victim, such as assault, robbery, kidnapping , rape, or murder. Forensic science is also used in monitoring the compliance of variouscountries with such international agreements as the Nuclear Non-ProliferationTreaty and the Chemical Weapons Convention and to learn whether a countryis developing a secret nuclear weapons program. It can help law enforcementofficials determine whether any laws or regulations have been violated in themarketing of foods and drinks, the manufacture of medicines, or the use ofpesticides on crops. It can also determine whether drinking water meets legalpurity requirements. The medical examiner is the most important individual in aninvestigation of a crime involving a victim. It is the responsibility of themedical examiner to visit the crime scene, conduct an autopsy (examinationof the body) in cases of death, examine the medical evidence and lab reports,study the victims history, and put all the information together in a report to beturned in to the district attorney.Medical examiners are usually physicians specializing in forensicpathology, the study of structural and functional changes in the body as aresult of injury. Their training and qualifications most often include a medicaldegree and an apprenticeship in a medical examiners office.In the field of forensic science, there are many subspecialties. Theyinclude odontology (the study of teeth), anthropology(the study of humanbeings), psychiatry, biology, chemistry, physics, toxicology (the study ofpoisons), and pathology (the examination of body tissues and fluids). Themedical examiner may call ...

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