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Evolution Fact or Fiction

Evolution-Fact or Fiction? In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, which proposed the theory of This book, along with others that followed, began the longdebated dispute between evolutionist and creationist. Were we createdby a supernatural Supreme Being, or did our creation occur purely bychance? First, lets look at the two conflicting theories. Common usage ofthe term evolution is that living things in our world have come intoexistence through unguided naturalistic processes beginning from aprimeval mass of subatomic particles and radiation, over 20 billion yearsago. The idea of Creation comes from the first two chapters of Genesiswhich states that God created the heavens and the earth and all that isin them in six, twenty-four hour periods of time. Throughout this papersubstantial scientific evidence will be presented to attempt to disprovethe theory of evolution and prove that creation is the only logicalexplanation for our existence.In order for evolution to have occurred, we would have needed afavorable environment for life to evolve and be sustained. So lets beginwith the atmosphere. Our current atmosphere consists of 21% Oxygen,and 78% Nitrogen. The presence of oxygen in a hypothetical primevalatmosphere presents a problem for self-assembling molecules. If oxygenis present, there would be no amino acids, or sugars because oxygenreacts with these substances to produce carbon dioxide and water. Sobecause it is impossible for life to have evolved with oxygen, evolutionisttheorize an early atmosphere without oxygen. Instead they propose anatmosphere consisting of free hydrogen. The problem with this theoryinvolves the layer of ozone that protects the earth from the suns ultravioletrays. Without this layer any newly developing organic molecules wouldsoon be broken down and eliminated, but if you have oxygen to beginwith this prevents life from even starting...

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