Equal OpportunitiesDescription:If you take all the change out of your pocket and look at the tail side of each coinyou will find written in Latin the motto of the United States of America; ‘e pluribusUnum’. It states : ‘out of many, one’. This statement suggests that there are manydifferent cultures that comprise our country, and all these cultures are as one. The UnitedStates political system has enacted numerous policies in order to ensure the equalitypromised by this motto among all the people of this Nation. Due to the discriminationthat is sadly, still a part of this society, blacks, Indians (of both vernaculars), Hispanics,women, gays, and the disabled are sometimes denied the opportunity to the outcomesenjoyed by the majority. Policy makers fight every day concerning a persons ability toreceive the same equal opportunities and equal results (or outcomes) as everyone else. It is important to distinguish the difference between equal opportunity and equaloutcomes. An employer who offers equal opportunity does not discriminate based on apersons race, creed, or disability. That employer makes sure that everyone has a chance toachieve a certain outcome. Equal outcomes is making sure that everyone ends up at thesame place. For instance if a crippled man and a Olympic runner were to race, in order toachieve an equal outcome the crippled man would have to start well before the Olympicrunner. Equal outcomes is rooted in discrimination because it looks at a persons race,creed, or disability in order to place them where they can finish the race at the same time.Each of these policies have beneficial effects on our society. Equal Opportunityemployment has made it possible for people of all races to enter the national workforce,avoiding the discrimination of the past. By doing so it has diversified the workplaceadding new levels of thinking and efficiency. Equal Outcome policies have made surethat all races, creeds, a...