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Death Penalty2

Every action we take is done because we expect it to have some kind of benefit, correct? Since if there is no benefit, it would be a waste of time. Im sure most would agree with that statement. So obviously any action we take against any criminal is supposed to have a positive influence on our society. Yet the death penalty itself does not have any beneficial qualities in itself. What good is a dead man to society? Some claim it helps the victims family get over the death of their loved one. Killing someone wont bring back there loved one so that statement has no real basis to it. There is no way it could ease their pain. And what about the family of the criminal? Why make them suffer also?If I remember correctly, the branch of the government that handles criminals and prisons is called Correction and Rehabilitation. Not Punishment and Revenge. My point being any actions we execute regarding criminals need not be punishment or payback but instead of a nature that will influence positive change in that man. So one day if he is capable of being released, he will return to society as an upstanding citizen. Similarly, I ask how can we really change a man for the better by silencing him forever?Some argue that the death penalty does in fact have a positive influence on our society because it acts as deterrent that will scare citizens from committing crimes that could lead to the death penalty. That claim is absurd in many ways. Statistically ( that is way off since the number of executions over the past few decades have dramatically gone up. As long as the death penalty has been around, the number of murders in our country has gone up. Besides fear is never a way to try and influence the masses. That is a tactic used by all of historys tyrants and dictators from Stalin to the Church itself. Considering human nature, when confronted with fear of the death penalty, rather then simply stop, criminals would ...

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