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Death Penalty

The death penalty has become and still is a big issue in the United States. Anyonewho lives in the United States or has lived in the United States has felt the effects of thedeath penalty. What the death penalty means is that a state can legally kill a person if thatperson was tried and convicted of a crime and then sentenced to the death penalty. Thedeath penalty is only used for certain crimes that fall into the criteria for the death penaltyto be used. This form of punishment has been around for quite a while in some, not all, ofthe states in the United States. Texas is one of those states where the death penalty in use. Since I live in Texas, I feel the effects of the death penalty. In my opinion, I believe thedeath penalty works and is an excellent form of punishment. One reason I believe this isbecause I dont think that someone should be able to live their own life if they tooksomeone elses life or intended to take someone elses life. Another reason I believe thisis because I dont think that other forms of punishments really work for such crimes. I believe the death penalty works and is an excellent form of punishment. I believethis because I feel that if a person can commit such a crime to end someone elses life thenthey should not be able to have and enjoy their own life. I just dont think it is fair. Iunderstand that maybe a person might not have had the intention to kill someone else suchas maybe in a car crash or even for self protection. Although most of the time that is notthe case and if that is so then I feel the death penalty is a great idea. Mainly I just dontlike to see a criminal go to prison for a while and then be let out and still have his life toenjoy after he or she has ended someone elses life and caused many people that wereclose to that person to hurt tremendously. There are many people with just the opposite opinion and with completely differentviews on the death penalty. Most of these peop...

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