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Scientific experimentation has led us to many great discoveries such as: Chemotherapy, heart surgery, and bone marrow transplants. Recently scientists have discovered a new way to heal humans. This is known as cloning. Although they have yet to clone a human they have cloned sheep. Cloning has brought up a huge controversy among the American people. There are two sides to the story. Either you agree with cloning or you dont. The only way to help make that decision is to look at the good and bad points of cloning.There are many positive aspects of human and non-human cloning. Human cloning technology could be used to reverse the number one killer in the United States, heart attacks. Scientists believe that they may be able to treat heart attack victims by cloning their healthy heart cells and injecting them into the areas of the heart that have been damaged. There has also been a breakthrough with human stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can be grown to produce organs or tissues to repair or replace damaged ones. Skin burn victims, brain cells for the brain damaged, spinal cord cells for quadriplegics and paraplegics, hearts, lungs, livers, and kidneys could be produced. By combining this technology with human cloning technology it may be possible to produce needed tissue for suffering people that will be free of rejection by their immune systems. Conditions such as Alzheimers disease Parkinsons disease, diabetes, heart failure, and other problems may be made curable by human cloning. (Cloning to Save Lives)Now there are also some ways that we are playing god through cloning. For example, infertile parents could easily have a baby cloned using their DNA and women that are at high risk for Downs syndrome can avoid that risk by cloning. Even though this sounds great we are basically changing reproduction, as we have always known it to be. There are also many negative aspects of cloning. To create different organs or limbs ...

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