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We, the undersigned, welcome announcements of major advances in the cloning of higher animals. Throughout this century, the physical, biological, and behavioral sciences have placed important new capabilities within human reach. On balance, these advances have contributed to enormous improvements in human welfare. Where novel technologies have raised legitimate ethical questions, the human community has in general demonstrated its willingness to confront those questions openly and to seek answers that enhance the general welfare. (Declaration) This is an excerpt taken from the Declaration in Defense of Cloning and the Integrity of Scientific Research. Cloning of the human body has come under great concern in the past five years after the cloning of a sheep named Dolly in Scotland. Weather cloning is right or wrong there is one religious group that is pushing a head with no concerns about the effect of human cloning with the starting of Clonaid. The Raelians are a religious group that is fixated with aliens and the sciences. A French man named Claude Rael Vorilhon started the Raelian religious movement in 1973. Rael was a former French singer, sportswriter, and racecar driver, who in 1973 claims he was abducted by aliens. During his abduction Rael claims the four-foot-tall aliens, who were greenish colored, took him in a flying saucer and landed on top of a volcano in southern France. Rael says that here was where he received a message that humans had been created in a laboratory by advanced beings from another planet that had mastered genetics and cell biology. (Desire 3) Since the Raels abduction his religious group the Raelians, who consist of 55,000 members, have raised over seven million dollars for the building of a embassy that will be for welcoming the aliens upon their return. Aside from the Raelian members fascination with aliens, they all so believe in everlasting life created through technology. In 1997 Rael and a...

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