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The cloning of humans is now very close to reality, thanks to the historic scientific breakthrough of Dr. Ian Wilmut and his colleagues in the UK. This possibility is one of incredible potential benefit for all of us. Unfortunately the initial debate on this issue has been dominated by misleading, sensationalized accounts in the news media and negative emotional reactions derived from inaccurate science fiction. Much of the negativity about human cloning is based simply on the breathtaking novelty of the concept rather than on any real undesirable consequences. On balance, human cloning would have overwhelming advantages if regulated in a reasonable way. A comprehensive ban on human cloning by a misinformed public would be a sorry episode in human history.Fear is one of the main arguments against human cloning, but perhaps this knee-jerk reaction is not at all appropriate for the situation. These negative reservations can be compared to those directed against Galileo and his monumental discoveries in astronomy. Arrested as being a heretic, he was forced to renounce his discoveries under threat of death. One is also reminded of the scientist Listerine who was ridiculed for his theories on germs. These may seem to be accepted facts now, but at the time of their discoveries, they were seen to be dangerous and sometimes even evil. This new research, far from being inherently evil, could revolutionize modern medicine, as we know it. The Bible and the holy texts of other major religions do not explicitly prohibit human cloning. Consequently, religious opposition to human cloning is not firmly based. There will nevertheless be many who think that cloning humans is "wrong" for religious reasons. These people should of course not participate in cloning. Religious leaders who believe human cloning is wrong are entitled to preach their beliefs and persuade whom they can. They discredit themselves when they propose to jail people that they cannot...

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