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1.The Regime of Paz Estenssoro 1.Mining, Manufacture, and Trade 2.Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry B.Strengths and Weaknesses 2.Climate Cocaine1.Effects2.War on DrugsBoliviaIn this report I will give a brief overview of the history, economy and culture of Bolivia. Bolivia was one of the first countries in the Spanish Empire to attempt a break from Spain, but it was one of the last to succeed. The Spanish suppressed the first critical rebellion in May 1809. Bolivia declared its independence from Spain on August 6, 1825, and took the name Bolivia in honor of South American independence leader Simn Bolvar. In 1826 a congress adopted a constitution drafted by Bolvar. It vested supreme authority in a president, who was chosen for a life term.In May 1951 Paz Estenssoro won nearly half the presidential election vote while in exile. In order to prevent the election of Paz Estenssoro, the incumbent president, placed the government under the control of the military and resigned. General Hugo Ballivin was appointed president. General Ren Barrientos Ortuno, a member of the government by the army, was elected president in July 1966. In July 1980 General Lus Garca Meza seized power, suspended the constitution, and instituted a repressive regime. Many politicians, labor leaders, and military men who opposed Garca Meza were arrested and killed, and many more fled abroad. Jaime Paz Zamora became president in May 1989 of Bolivia. Mining entrepreneur Gonzalo Snchez de Lozada won the next presidential elections, held in June 1993. In June 1997 former dictator and retired general Hugo Banzer Surez finished first in Bolivia's presidential election but did not capture enough votes to win the presidency outright. In August members of Bolivia's congress elected Banzer president.Since early colonial times, mining for precious minerals and metal ores has played an important role in Bolivia's economy. Mining is a major industry in Bolivia...

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