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Benefits Of Space Exploration

A.Critics point to waste and lack of direct impact on Ocean example 2. Ozone depletion a. TOMS and phase-out of harmful chemicals b. Anarctic hole in the ozone layer B.Medical1.MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)a.Diagnosesb.Phase-out of exploratory surgery2.Telemedicine 3. Digital breast Biopsy systemC.Consumerand other products 1.Robotics2.Cable television industry3.Teflona.Cookwareb.Carpetsc.ClothingD. Congressional Mandate 1. mandating NASA to share with the private sector E. Conclusion 1. Critics will remain negativeThe Benefits of Space ExplorationThere are critics from many corners who condemn theamounts of money spent in the pursuit of space. Some saythere is no need to waste money playing around in spacewhen there are so many people right here on earth who needhelp and could better use that money that now goes for spaceexploration and experimentation. Morton says, The hugeincrease in government-financed research and developmentthat came with Apollo did not increase America's overalltechnological lead. It may even reduced it, by drawingscientific and commercial talent into heroic fields and awayfrom prosaic onesPeople who would scorn to put extradollars into welfare payments are happy to recommend thatscientific explorers be given billions, bewitched by thefrontier dreams of manifest destiny (Morton 18).What Morton and others who hold with his views fail totake into account, however, are the vast benefits that wehave already realized from space exploration. If we nevergained any more benefits from our own space program than wehave already seen, attaining them was well worth the cost interms of the monies spent.We havent heard much environmental comment in the pastten years from environmentalist actors on television commercials claiming that the ocean would be dead withinseven years. Trained in acting rather than in oceanographyor marine biology, some of these out...

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