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Aliean Abductions

The phenomenon of aliens is a really diverse subject to ponder about. The physicalevidence can really affirm that aliens are sucking up people out of are atmosphere. In thearticle Wheres the Physical Evidence The Hopkins story, claims to have morecompelling evidence - even an x-ray of an alien nasal implants. But like with all alienphenomenon there is diversity in the proof. The MIT physicist confirmed that there is notone, single, independently confirmed piece of scientific evidence for an alien abduction.The conclusion of the physical proof leaves you staring off into the stars. The cases of people being abducted are really plausible. For example the case of a littlegirl having contact with aliens is the most believable case to me, because little girls haventacquire the thought to lie in such great detail as grownups have obtained. The onlyquestion is about the mother who told this story. Still her story seems very sincere. Forexample she wrote I realize you receive many letters of this kind, some of which arephony. But, believe me, this is not made up. If this is all really happening to (my little girl),please give me some advice as to how to help her deal with these visitations. Either she is really sincere or a really good fiber which I believe is one of the main flaws that discredit fair-spoken alien abductions. The other case of an Irish man whom told a story of him being paralyzed. Was just a typical story anyone could make up. As with the last case that occur in Long Island. But what was in support of the alien abduction position is she was paralyzed like the Irish man, but this story sounds pretty creative. I have realized these cases dont have much detail which would lead to a more believable story. I feel John Mak is taking a good scientific approach to most of his work. In contrast notthe true scientific research is there that he needs. He shows us by saying And in case aftercase after case, I've been impressed with ...

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