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acid rain3

Do you ever look outside on a rainy night and think to yourself why are we destroying our own habitat. Of course you dont. You are more rapped up in the beauty of a calm and serene shower with the wind blowing and a gentle howl of the breeze trickling through the trees. Why would you think of something bad? Well, maybe you should start thinking of rain as a bad thing. Maybe not rain, but what is in the rain.Not enough attention is being put toward the well being of the Earth. There are definitely forces at work destroying our environment as we speak. Our government needs to explore all the deadly toxins that go into our environment every second. Without this exploration we could kill ourselves. Not only will we kill us but we will kill off everything else.What did I pick to write on Acid rain with all the other important environmental topics? I chose it because we are subjected to precipitation all the time. I was interested to see just how dangerous acid rain is. If it really is dangerous, I was also interested to see what thing's people can do to help stop its effects. If we cannot stop the effects, I would atleast like to know somethings I can do to lessen the effects on our environment.What is acid rain? Acid rain is the name commonly given to the deposition of a cocktail of acidifying compounds to soils, surface waters and buildings. These compounds arise mainly from the combustion of fossil fuels. In some parts of the United Kingdom, natural ecosystems have a significant acid-neutralizing capacity and acid rain has little impact on them. In other parts, the neutralizing capacity is limited, and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are sensitive to acid deposition. In acid-sensitive areas, acid rain degrades the terrestrial environment and causes damage to plants and the soils in which they grow. Substances are released which run off into water bodies and toxic to water life. Acidic materials deposited directly ...

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