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Acid Rain1

For acid rain to form, several different chemicals must be released into the air. The primary pollutants (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and hydrocarbons) react with sunlight to create ozone. This produces sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3.) These acids are stored in clouds, and when it rains, you have acid rain. Another way acid rain can be formed is by the burning of Fossil Fuels. Fossil Fuels are coal and oil from decomposed trees and plant material from thousands of years ago. Fossil Fuels are burned to generate electricity, releasing pollutants into the air. The places which get hit the hardest by acid rain are Norway, Sweden and Canada. But that doesn't mean that they are producing it all. Most pollutants that develop into acid rain come from Canada, Japan, the United States and Western Europe. Today, Britain releases almost as much sulfur dioxide as all of Western Europe combined. Japan is the only country in which power plants are required to reduce nitrogen oxide by at least 75%, but the U.S. also has new pollution standards. These require that all new cars have a convertor to reduce the carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons by as much as 96%. As I already said, acid rain does not always fall where it is produced. Often, the clouds that the acids are stored in get blown thousands of miles away. Acid can be transported not only by clouds, but by fog, gases, mist and dust as well. All rain has a natural acid in it, that would be there even if we had never polluted the earth. It is a type of acid from the carbon dioxide already in the air. This natural acid helps dissolve minerals, which lets plants use them more easily. The EPA, or the Environmental Protection Agency, tests water and determines the quality of it. Although they have tested much of the U. S., 78 % of rivers and 33 % of lakes are still to be tested. The EPA also determines if the water they test is dead, impaired, or reasonably clean. Based on state reports,...

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