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wto and health

Food, human health and general safety threatened One of the negative aspects that accompanies the WTO is that it threatens food Agreements that give governments the right to protect human, animal, plant life and health are to a certain degree handcuffed by the presence of the WTO. Here the organization acts as to stop governments from using such protection needs to further use such policies to protect domestic producers and that such protection policies do not discriminate between goods. Protection policies must be set on scientific evidence or international standards. Thus the organization constraints the degree to which the government can protect its people from health issues, from here the risk of unprotect ion arises. As pointed out in the article WTO does not dictate to governments on issues such as food safety, and human health and safety it was said, The WTO does not set the standards itself. In some cases other international agreements are identified in the WTOs agreements. One example is Codex Alimentarius, which sets recommended standards for food, safety and comes under the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO). How ever it remains obvious that to the WTO trade is the superior interest when compared to product safety as the organizations goal is to maximize trade and minimize trade barriers and not to ensure public health. Hence the paradox appears as to governments the primary goal is the later as trade goals are regarded inferior when compared to he health of the citizens. This is also the case when it comes to the citizens themselves or can we call them the consumers for economic purposes. For the consumer the safety of the product is the primary concern and not the growth of international trade, hence countries and the WTO experience a conflict of interests. Here the WTO tries to minimize the conflict by product standards, specially when it comes to products made from ani...

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